By Dylan Vernon, TIME COME #19, 2 January 2025.
At 11:45 pm on a cool 2025 election night, the final constituency result is in. Post-independence political history is made. It’s a clean sweep for the Blues! The PUP 31, the UDP 0. Amid the wild celebrations and the deep despair, a still energetic Jules Vasquez asks his tired panel: So, there is no Leader of the Opposition? Who will appoint the Opposition’s three senators? Who will chair the Joint Public Accounts Committee? Who will appoint Opposition members to such bodies as the Belize Advisory Council and the Elections and Boundaries Commission? With whom will the PM consult or seek concurrence when the Constitution so demands?
The inspiration for this post came from my Dad, Larry Vernon – information specialist, historian, writer, serial biographer. He sent me a query in writing – as is his style – reminding that, before independence, the PUP had clean sweep elections in 1957 (the last Legislative Assembly) and 1961 (the first House of Representatives). As such, since the 1954 adult suffrage Constitution, there are two precedents for clean sweeps in Belize’s political history – but none after independence.
In 1961, the then British Governor used his reserve powers to appoint an unelected Philip Goldson to the very first House of Representatives.… Read the rest...