By Dylan Vernon, TIME COME #17, 4 December 2024.
A curious thing happened when I applied in July 2024 to transfer my voter registration to the constituency of my current residence. As I was leaving the elections office, a woman in the waiting area demanded a copy of my receipt and proceeded to fire off personal questions. I had seen her do the same thing to other people who provided the requested information – ostensible thinking it was all official. It took me a few seconds to realise something was off. I asked her if this was an official part of the transfer process, and she answered ‘yes’ without hesitation. I asked the registering officer if this was true, and the answer was a quiet but clear ‘no’. The woman was actually a paid partisan operative, one of many in every division nationwide collecting transfer and registration data on voters. The blatant deception really ticked me off. More substantively, it reminded me of the deep-rooted fraud of illicit voter transfers that pollutes Belize’s electoral democracy every summer. Prime Minister John Briceño refers to it as a ‘can of worms’ that no party wants to open.
The Voter Transfer Game
Registered voters who move residence to another electoral division within Belize are required by the Representation of the People Act to officially transfer to the new division after two months of residence there.… Read the rest...