Guest Posts

You Need Yesterday to Make Revolution Today, by Assad Shoman, 19 May 2024.

Dr. Assad Shoman, well-known Belizean activist and historian, agreed to pen a response to my recent post Talking About a Revolution? Fifteen Proposals for a People’s Constitution (TIME COME #6, 3 April, 2024).

Representation of the People – challenging our shallow democracy, by Harold A. Young

Harold A. Young is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science & Public Management at Austin Peay State University, Tennessee, and Chair of the Institution Review Board. He earned his PH.D. in Philosophy (Political Science) from Georgia State University and LL.b. and C.L.E. from the University of the West Indies and the Norman Manley School of Law respectively. Dr. Young’s research interests include constitutional reform, American and international perspectives on judicial institutional changes and decision-making. . work is published in several journals, his book, “The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council and the Caribbean Court of Justice: Navigating Independence and Changing Political Environments” (2020) is now available in hardcover, paperback, and kindle ( and his chapter, “The Caribbean Court of Justice” is published in the “Research Handbook on Law and Political Systems”, 2023 (editors Howard, Randozzo & Reid, Edward Edgar Press, U.K.). He is the founder and director of the Belize Pantheon Fantastic Foundation that promotes Belizean art and a director of the All Saint’s Alumni Foundation that sends deserving students to high school in Belize